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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Tuesday 9 October 2012

5 Free Online HTML Form Builders

You hardly think about the work that goes into building a form, but if you own a site, service or product, the form is an important tool to have when you are gathering crowd intelligence. Online forms are not really that hard to make, but if you want to build a nice-looking, functional form, yet don’t want to get your hands dirty with the codes, you’ve come to the right post.
Regardless of whether you need forms for feedback, login, payment or for communication purposes, there are plenty of HTML form builders out there that can generate these forms for you in a few simple clicks. They are easy to use, customizable, effective and best of all, they are free. Here are our 5 favorite HTML form builders. Go in with your requirements and leave with the HTML codes to your custom-build forms in no time.

1. JotForm

JotForm comes with a ton of pre-made templates for you to work with. It is a drag-and-drop form builder; just select a tool you require, and drag it onto the building area where you can preview what your form looks like.
JotForm Website
You can customize and create your own form or choose a template from one of the many categories. The templates help you start somewhere, giving you ideas to create your own form. However, if you’re satisfied with the template and want no other options, just go ahead and get the HTML code and paste it on your website.

Monday 8 October 2012

40 Desain Mengagumkan untuk Mengenang Steve Jobs

Tepat setahun yang lalu, dunia kehilangan seorang manager yang temperamental dan otoriter. Dunia menangisi kepergiannya. Walaupun gaya kepemimpinannya ortodoks, tapi dia berhasil membawa perubahan besar kepada dunia. Terutama dalam bidang teknologi gadget. Siapa lagi kalau bukan Steve Jobs.
Demi mengagumi sang legenda teknologi, kami memiliki 40 desain mengagumkan yang menggambarkan dirinya.
1955-2011. (Image Source: WarrenLouw)
1955 - 2011

Thursday 4 October 2012

Peternak memerah susu sapi karena dapat SMS dari Sapi

Coba tanya peternak sapi, katanya sih ada waktunya si sapi bisa mengeluarkan susu yang banyak dimana biasanya suhu tubuh si sapi meningkat tapi masalahnya kadang agak susah kapan waktu tersebut.
Peternak sapi dari Swiss sedang mengembangkan sebuah sistim berbasis sensor temperatur dan SMS yang dipasang di setiap sapi perah dimana sistim ini akan mengirim pesan ketika suhu tubuh si sapi sedang meningkat.

Sensor yang diletakkan di bagian kelamin sapi ini akan memicu sistim yang ada kemudian mengirim SMS ke ponsel si pertenak kemudian si peternak akan tahu bahwa waktunya untuk memerah susu sapi.
Walaupun hasilnya sepertinya cukup baik tetapi cara ini banyak ditentang oleh organisasi pecinta binatang karena dianggap si peternak melakukan hal yang melanggar privasi si sapi dengan memasukkan sesuatu ke bagian kelamin.


30 Tiruan Logo Brand Terkenal

Bersenang-senang dengan mengacaukan apa yang kita lihat disekitar kita merupakan bagian dari kreatifitas. Termasuk mem-pleset-kan desain logo-logo dari Brand-Brand yang sudah terkenal dan bertebaran dilingkungan sekitar kita. Berikut 30 logo tiruan dari brand-brand terkenal seperti KFC, FedEx, dll.

KFC – Kenpachi Fried Chicken. Jika kamu ingin membuka Restoran KFC tiruan di China, ini adalah logo yang cocok buat kamu. Saya pikir logo ini akan menarik banyak pelanggan.
kfc - kenpachi fried chicken

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Teknology terbaru Air melayang di udara [ Acoustic Levitation ]

It’s not a magic trick and it’s not sleight of hand – scientists really are using levitation to improve the drug development process, eventually yielding more effective pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have discovered a way to use sound waves to levitate individual droplets of solutions containing different pharmaceuticals. While the connection between levitation and drug development may not be immediately apparent, a special relationship emerges at the molecular level. At the molecular level, pharmaceutical structures fall into one of two categories: amorphous or crystalline. Amorphous drugs typically are more efficiently taken up by the body than their crystalline cousins; this is because amorphous drugs are both more highly soluble and have a higher bioavailability, suggesting that a lower dose can produce the desired effect. “One of the biggest challenges when it comes to drug development is in reducing the amount of the drug needed to attain the therapeutic benefit, whatever it is,” said Argonne X-ray physicist Chris Benmore, who led the study. “Most drugs on the market are crystalline – they don’t get fully absorbed by the body and thus we aren’t getting the most efficient use out of them,” added Yash Vaishnav, Argonne Senior Manager for Intellectual Property Development and Commercialization. Getting pharmaceuticals from solution into an amorphous state, however, is no easy task. If the solution evaporates while it is in contact with part of a vessel, it is far more likely to solidify in its crystalline form. “It’s almost as if these substances want to find a way to become crystalline,” Benmore said.

20 Realistic Artworks That Look Like Photographs

Editor’s note: This post is contributed by Tapha Ngum, who is the founder of My App Templates, a site that provides custom iPhone app templates to people who cannot afford to spend thousands on their iPhone app design. Designers are getting really good at Photoshop design, and with the right tools and the right skills, they can make it very difficult for us to tell what is real and what is manipulated. Occasionally, mistakes in design pop up to remind us that it is only human to err. The rest of the time, well, let’s just say that we humans are incredibly creative creatures. To show you what I mean, I have compiled a list of some of the most realistic-looking artworks out there today. The collection will make you question what you see, this I guarantee. Some of these are so realistic that I had to double check them a number of times to make sure that they were indeed mere illustrations and not products of photography! Enjoy the post!

A Guide To: WordPress Child Themes Development

There are a number of reasons that WordPress developers are starting to use child themes. They give you the opportunity to customize a unique layout on top of another existing theme. This is perfect for beginners who want to play around with building their own themes.
Additionally many premium designs will release new updates over time. If you are making changes to core theme files they will be overwritten when performing an update, but child themes are separate and neatly tucked away. This means you can build off existing premium themes and save loads of time in the process. In this guide I want to introduce the basic concepts of building a WordPress child theme and why it’s such a good idea.