Monday 8 October 2012

40 Desain Mengagumkan untuk Mengenang Steve Jobs

Tepat setahun yang lalu, dunia kehilangan seorang manager yang temperamental dan otoriter. Dunia menangisi kepergiannya. Walaupun gaya kepemimpinannya ortodoks, tapi dia berhasil membawa perubahan besar kepada dunia. Terutama dalam bidang teknologi gadget. Siapa lagi kalau bukan Steve Jobs.
Demi mengagumi sang legenda teknologi, kami memiliki 40 desain mengagumkan yang menggambarkan dirinya.
1955-2011. (Image Source: WarrenLouw)
1955 - 2011

Apple Man(Image Source: jardorocks)
apple man
Colored the World(Image Source: Haychel)
colored the world
Creator of Apples(Image Source: wiener-online)
creator of apples
Dominating Confidence(Image Source: Stanbos)
dominating confidence
Founder of Magical Apple(Image Source: mohammed elhussieny)
founder of magical apple
Good Bye Steve(Image Source: artupida)
good bye steve
Great Steve Jobs(Image Source: SubhrajitDatta)
great steve jobs
He Made Tech Beautiful(Image Source: auroraink)
he made tech beautiful
He Who Inspired(Image Source: gregbo)
he who inspired
Homage To The Genius(Image Source: fungila)
homage to the genius
Inspirational Person(Image Source: TimWitherow)
inspirational person
Joyful Moment(Image Source: Tsevis Visual Design)
joyful moment
Steve and Macs(Image Source: Tsevis Visual Design)
steve and macs
The Man In The Products(Image Source: Tsevis Visual Design)
the man in the products
Master of Innovator(Image Source: sanjun)
master of innovator
The Man(Image Source: Aakreit Sachdeva)
the man
RIP Steve Jobs(Image Source: michael152)
rip steve jobs
Memory(Image Source: eNyDesigner)
Perceiving Innovation(Image Source: turk1672)
perceiving innovation
Presenting iPhone 4(Image Source: MosiKashi)
presenting iphone 4
Steve(Image Source: Fruksion)
Steve Jobs – Coffee Painting(Image Source: Dirceu Veiga)
steve jobs - coffee painting
Steve Jobs – Painted Portrait(Image Source: Adobe of Chaos)
steve jobs - painted portrait
Steve Jobs from Disassembled MacBook Pro(Image Source: Genis Carreras)
steve jobs from disassembled macbook pro
Steven Paul Jobs(Image Source: dylanroscover)
steven paul jobs
Steve Jobs Portrait(Image Source: iTrixia)
steve jobs portrait
Thank You Steve(Image Source: CrazyNalin)
thank you steve
Thanks For The Magic(Image Source: februarymoon)
thanks for the magic
The Innovator(Image Source: Richard Davies)
the innovator
The Smile(Image Source: Speeddrawingitalia)
the smile
The Third Was For Steve Jobs(Image Source: Devilicious-Pink)
the third was for steve jobs
Visionary of Technology(Image Source: ThatCrookedMind)
visionary of technology
Think Different(Image Source: DagoDesign)
think different
Steve and Apple(Image Source: TomRutjens)
steve and apple
What He Has Done(Image Source: Cayasha)
what he has done
The Magic Creator(Image Source: Liyin the Creative-Extraordinaire)
the magic creator
Steve “Moses” Jobs(Image Source: Dale Stephanos Illustration)
steve moses jobs
True Visionary(Image Source: markdraws)
true visionary
Great Steve(Image Source: koinoi)
great steve


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